#51 Driftwood

By Bryan | Published: 30th Nov, 2023

Close your eyes. Feel the water as it tries to repel your body.

Sinking halfway, I started to feel the surrounding space. It’s like a black hole swallowing all my thoughts.

My eyes are still closed, they flicker. Moving restlessly underneath my eyelids. Then, slowly opens to see the blue skies. Vast and endless. My ears underneath the waters — trying to negate the noise of the outside world. I suddenly feel calmer. Time stopped. I felt peace.

"Wake up!" I refused. I hear nothing but the muffled sounds of disappearing thoughts and emotions. So I kept afloat. I started humming. I started talking to myself. I heard myself talking back like the gentle whispers of an angel.

What do you want? What do you really want?

No answer.

The interaction of surface water waves with my body felt like I was in a spiritual dream. It’s a soothing sensation in the waking world. I feel connected. I feel free. Freedom.

Then I felt nothing again — like a driftwood.

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