#48 New Home

By Bryan | Published: 4th Nov, 2023

For almost 2 decades living in Barcelona, I never thought of moving to another place. But it did happen…

Philippines to Spain — that was a big move back then. But, I managed to settle in with a decent life and job, new friends and my secondary families. Now, I got a job offer far from where I imagined living in but I jumped ship, anyway. Sunny Barcelona over cold grey Bavarian weather (mostly). German language and culture, to a large extent, all about reason and logic. Is Munich, Germany my new home now? That's a big red flag right there!

I kept asking, am I in a period of emotional turmoil? I get feelings of nostalgia. Often times, excessively thinking about the past. Or, at the edge of a cliff. Like there’s a strong wind of desire for change.

I guess I am in a midlife crisis.

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