#35 First Time in Japan

By Bryan | Published: 23rd Mar, 2019

Konnichiwa! There’s something unique about Japan that always fascinates me. Home to anime, the best sushi and ramen, Shinto shrines and Cherry blossoms, Japan has a reputation for its distinctive culture and traditions. At the same time, its people is one of the most advanced and sophisticated in the world — one of the most extremely disciplined.


I got really excited when I found out my company is sending me to Tokyo for a week. It won’t be a full travel pleasure but it does feel like it.

Apart from its mild to moderate earthquakes (daily) which are normal, the thought of going to Japan for the first time gives me that nostalgic vibe — revisiting my childhood with familiar sights and people I used to see in old Japanese tv shows.


Never been to Japan and Japanese is all Greek to me. It took me a while to get the knack of going around the city, especially the subways and trains — a good 3 days to get used to it, I think (or more).

What I like about going around — and getting lost — is that I always end up somewhere cheap enjoying some of the best and authentic local Japanese cuisines. The food is absolutely great. Not to mention, the service is always the best, full smile with a nice greeting and the traditional bow. Tip-top!


"Arigatou gozaimasu!"

Shibuya station is an easy find and one of my favorites. Home of the Hachiko statue and the famous junction — Shibuya Crossing. It still fascinates me how approximately 2,500 people harmoniously cross the junction at a time.


And yes, I tried the capsule hotel. Also known as pod hotels, they are the cheapest. It's like a honeycomb, each capsule is a single plastic tube. Definitely not for you if you have a fear of enclosures!


Whilst I may not have seen all of Tokyo, this travel left a mark in my heart — longing to go back and visit this beautiful country again.

  • Haley R.
    I am currently planning a trip to Japan right now and I have taken so many great notes of places to go from your blog! It is going to make this trip one for the books and I'm hoping to really get immersed in the Japanese culture while I'm there.
  • Bryan
    Hello Haley. You must be really excited about your trip to Japan. To be honest I still want to go back there. Let me know how it goes!
  • lai
    I plan to visit Tokyo in a few months and stay there for at least a week or two so I can experience a bit of what it has to offer. Love the food, atmosphere, people and sights. I feel that we need months to fully explore this city.
  • Bryan
    Wow! 1-2 weeks at least is definitely a go! I'm sure you'll experience more of Japan. With that said, I was only able to explore a bit of Tokyo. Now I'm jealous! haha
  • Dean
    Japan is absolutely amazing!
  • Bryan
    Yay! I bet you've been to Japan, Dean. Else, it should definitely be on your travel bucket list.

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